
This small booklet contains 13 talks by the Venerable Ajahn Lee on meditation for beginners. It has been translated from Thai by the Venerable Thanissaro Bhikkhu of Dhamma Talks, and to quote his page directly:
Starting Out Small: A Collection of Talks for Beginning Meditators, by . (revised & expanded September 5, 2016) In this collection of talks Ajaan Lee covers the sorts of questions that occur to people new to meditation—Why meditate? How should I meditate? And why in that particular way?—and in his own style he provided not only straightforward answers to these questions but also vivid analogies.
Earlier in 2016 this book was expanded with two new talks that had never been published before—“Merit” and “On Target”—along with complete translations of the talks “The Art of Letting Go” and “At the Tip of Your Nose.”
With the newest edition, Starting Out Small now includes another section of newly translated Dhamma talks, featuring one of Ajaan Lee’s longest recorded sermons, “Recollection of Virtue.”
This is an excellent guide for the beginning meditator. Ajahn Lee is lucid and to the point. I highly recommend this text. It will be made available in the eLibrary per usual.
It is released under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ license and thus can be distributed so long as it is not sold.
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Starting Out Small: A Collection of Talks for Beginning Meditators.
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