Mahayana Buddhism
I am dedicating this particular page to downloadable texts from the Mahayana tradition. This may seem a little odd for a Theravadin site but some of their Sutras have had such an enormous effect on Buddhism over the centuries that I feel it would be remiss of me not to include at least a nod in their direction.
From now on, any Mahayana text that I find freely available and decide to publish will be listed here, as a subsection of the eLibrary.
Commentaries and other Writings
Lojong Anthology – Mind Training – Lotsawa House
Mahayana Sutras
The Diamond Sutra
– The Diamond Sutra
Longer Prajnaparamita Hṛdaya Sutra
– The Longer Heart Sutra
The Lotus Sutra
– The Lotus Sutra
Shorter Prajnaparamita Hṛdaya Sutra
– The Shorter Heart Sutra