The Noble Eightfold Path
At it’s core, the Noble Eightfold Path is the means to escape Samsara. As I have stated in previous articles, Samsara is a Pali verb, which means Samsara is something we do, to ourselves. This means we have a choice; we have a choice to stop Samsara, and the Eightfold Path is the Buddha’s way of choosing to stop Samsara, to choose to stop suffering in all it’s forms.
I have created three articles regarding the Eightfold Path and they are listed below. There are three because each of the eight steps can conveniently be classified as follows:
- Moral Conduct
- Mental Discipline
- Wisdom
I have taken each of the above classifications in sequence and dealt with each step accordingly.
The three articles are available here:
As time goes by and my knowledge of the Suttas increases I may add to this article, but for the moment, what is available above will have to suffice.
May all beings live without fear.